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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Our clinicians provide general medical services, as well as specialist services such as child health monitoring, maternity and contraceptive services.

Contraception and family planning

You can find out more information about contraception and family planning.

Nursing services

Our practice nursing services include:

  • Health checks (for new and existing patients)
  • Health promotion and general health advice
  • Phlebotomy our Health Care Assistants and Phlebotomists take blood samples and clinics are run on an appointment only basis
  • Dressings, vaccinations and immunisations
  • Cervical smears – These are carried out by our practice nursing team. The ideal time to have a smear is about halfway between two menstrual periods
  • Removing stitches
  • Travel advice
  • Advice on asthma, diabetes and Chronic Disease Care. We provide comprehensive care for patients with Diabetes Mellitus, COPD, Asthma, Hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease, Cerebro Vascular Disease etc. All these patients have an annual health check done by the nursing team with input from Clinicians if required
  • ECG, 24 Hour BP Monitoring, Spirometery we offer various investigations like: 24 hour home blood pressure monitoring, ECG, Spirometery, cardiac-memo etc when clinically appropriate

Vaccinations and immunisations

  • Routine childhood immunisations
  • Influenza vaccinations are provided in our “flu jab clinics” available every year from mid-October for suceptible patients, e.g. diabetics, asthmatics and the over 65’s.
  • Travel vaccinations
  • HPV vaccinations for girls aged 12-13 years (which reduces the risk of cervical cancer)
  • Childhood immunisations we follow the national scheme for childhood immunisations

Child health services

New born and 6-8 week baby checks provided by our health visitors and clinicians.

In addition, the Health Visiting Service provide cover weekly between 9:30am – 10:30am where advice can be sort from a Health Visitor. This health visiting service is available to both patients and non-patients.

Every family with children under the age of five years of age is offered a health visiting service. They are available to provide information, advice and support on all aspects of health and wellbeing of children and their parents/carer

To book your baby into a baby weighing clinic please call 01246 515100 option 2 to book an appointment.

current clinics are: Monday – Woodville children’s centre. Tuesday – Swadlincote Health Centre. 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month – Repton Health Centre.

 Swadlincote health Centre phone:

Teenage health advice and services

Our clinicians can help you with a wide range of problems, including contraception, pregnancy tests, drug & alcohol problems, or worries you may have about your health or about things that are happening to you.

Maternity, antenatal and postnatal care

Information on who will be looking after you when you are pregnant and for additional advice please contact the reception.

For routine antenatal and postnatal care please visit Swadlincote Healthcare Centre.

Minor injury services

Gresleydale Healthcare Centre are currently commissioned to provide a limited minor injury service for injuries sustained within the previous 48 hours that are relatively minor and can be dealt with at a GP practice, usually by our practice nurses, within our normal opening hours of 8am to 6:30pm Monday to Friday.

For anything more major the Hospital A&E Department would be more appropriate.

Examples of minor injuries that can often be dealt with at the surgery are:

  • Lacerations capable of closure by simple techniques
  • Severe bruising requiring assessment
  • Recent injury beyond simple domestic first aid or where stitches may be required
  • Head injury where there has been no loss of consciousness

Minor surgery and joint injections

Certain minor operations can be performed at the surgery. For example some of our clinicians carry out minor operations such as the removal of minor skin lesions and joint injections, avoiding the need for you to go to hospital.

If the clinician recommends this sort of treatment then arrangements will be made at the surgery.

All these patients have an annual health check done by the nursing team with input from a clinician as required.

Long Term Conditions

As a practice we are updating the way in which we process LTC reviews, with a view to making the process easier to manage as a patient.  We hope this will help to reduce the amount of time patients are having to spend trying to contact the practice and hopefully reduce the number of contacts/appointments required per year for your LTC reviews.

It is important to note that in cases where a patient has complex LTCs, multiple appointments with different clinicians may still be required to ensure you are looked after holistically whilst giving you the opportunity to consult with the most appropriate clinician for your LTC – GP, Specialist Nurse or Pharmacist.

When your review is due, you will either receive a text message or phone call from the practice.  If you are unable to receive text messages or telephone calls, we will send a letter.  We are open to any other suggestions on how you would like to be contacted.

Whilst we fully implement this new process, it may mean that you will be asked to attend slightly earlier/later than you were expecting. 

Please be reassured that the process will even out in future and if necessary, we may invite you to an interim review to make sure you are being monitored properly and your medication can be issued as usual.

If you are aware you have a LTC, please ensure your contact details, particularly your mobile number, are up to date on your medical records.

For information on how to book an appointment, please visit our Appointments page.

We will be extremely grateful for your patience and support whilst we implement this new process, thank you.

Asthma – Chronic Disease

Asthma Management at Gresleydale.

Invites 1 and 2 are sent out via the administration team for completion of questionnaire or
electronic booking or appointment. If there is no response the administrative team will contact the patient by telephone (invite 3) to complete the questionnaire/book the review.

If no appointment is booked the nursing team will take over. A notes review will take place to identify any risk. The nursing team will attempt to engage the patient in review.

Any patient not engaging in review will receive a letter from the practice. Repeat medication
amounts maybe reduced until review is completed.

For more information, please click on our Asthma Flow Chart

Diabetes – Chronic Disease

Invites 1 and 2 are sent out via the administration team for electronic booking.
If there is no response to booking the administrative team will contact the patient by telephone (invite 3) to book in the review.

If no appointment is booked the nursing team will take over. A notes review will take place to identify any risk. The nursing team will attempt to engage the patient in

Any patient not engaging in review will receive a letter from the practice. Repeat medication
amounts maybe reduced until review is completed.

For more information, please click on our Diabetes Flow Chart