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Social Media Statement

We respectfully ask our patients to refrain from using social media sites (such as Facebook, Mumsnet, Twitter, etc.) to raise complaints about the practice, to make personal attacks on individual members of practice staff, to make inaccurate/false statements and/or to make negative comments in general about the practice.

It is not appropriate to use social media to raise complaints about the practice or about practice staff. Our complaints procedure can be found on our Gresleydale Healthcare centre website.

We will report patients to the relevant social media site hosts and have the post removed if libellous or defamatory comments are made about the practice, or about practice staff.

The legal definition of defamatory is:

“Any intentionally false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person’s reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.”

We exercise a ‘zero tolerance’ (as per national NHS guidance) toward any abusive, threatening or offensive behaviour and/or actions and we have the right to remove patients from the surgery list if this occurs.

The views and opinions posted by individuals on digital or social media are not shared by Gresleydale Healthcare Centre. Sometimes information may be presented as fact, but it should not be relied upon as accurate, or as a true reflection of the views of this practice